Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Q&A with Feng Shui expert Deanna Radaj for Home Design ...

DeAnna Radaj. Image courtesy of Florida Home Show

In case you didn?t know May is National Home Improvement Month.

So of course that means that the Fort Lauderdale Home Design & Remodeling Show is returning to South Florida, this time over Memorial Day Weekend May 25-28 at the Broward County Convention Center.

Celebrity speakers include eco-shui consultant DeAnna Radaj, a Wisconsin-based interior designer who fuses eastern and Western design philosophies.

Her seminar titled ?Move Your Couch, Change Your Life? will offer tips on how to create a healthy environment at home that matches the personality and lifestyle of the homeowner Saturday at 2 and 4 p.m.;? Sunday at 3 and 5 p.m. and? Monday (Memorial Day ) at 3 p.m.

We caught up with Radaj as she was in the middle of a move from Milwaukee to Charlotte:

QUESTION: Feng Shui can kind of freak you out a little, right?

ANSWER: People hear Feng Shui they think, ?I got to put up crystals, Buddhas and wind chimes.? What it?s really about is using colors and shape and scent. It?s a balance.

Q: Aren?t you all about making Feng Shui more compatible with American sensibilities?

A: I?m all about natural and healing and living in harmony with your environment. I?m all about using local materials and local sources. Ultimately that makes your home more resalable. Up north it might be your darker woods and berry colors?while in South Florida it would be more turquoises and oranges.

Q: Would you say you are more contemporary?

A: I think people are too concerned about design that is about the future or about the past. Not many people are very present. I like to be grounded in the here and now. Of course I say that and I?m moving from Milwaukee to Charlotte so I have things all over the place right now. So I keep one room together until the movers come. It?s a health issue really. I recommend that for any household going through a transition: married, death or an addition.

The "purple" bedroom is designed for a middle-age woman who is a widow. The accessories/artwork were chosen for rest/calm and to help promote relationship harmony as she enters new life phase. A cool purple, green & gold color scheme was used to promote a restful night's sleep. Live plants to help clean the air (1 live plant for every 100 sq ft). The plush bedding, pillows & upholstered pieces all add to the luxury of this personal sanctuary after a hard day's work. The bed is placed in the "power position" of the room (most psychologically secure). All paint is NO VOC Harmony brand paint from Sherwin-Williams

Q: An addition?

A: Like a baby [laughter]

Q: Oh. I totally didn?t get that. I thought you meant like adding a room to the house.

A: No. You want to use earth tones ? your browns, your stone, your brick ? throughout the space. Just one room to kind of get you through whatever transition. You can?t think with all that clutter.

Q: At the Home Show don?t you talk about clutter as well?

A: I call it ?Organizing Your Inner Pack Rat.? When I first started I went to this client?s house. now I?m 5?2? and I literally could not walk through her basement. It was piled high with stuff. I was climbing over things. And I thought, ?Oh my God, how do you live like this?? Well of course later on as I got to know her and talked to her it came out that she was abused as a child and was in an abusive relationship and on and on and on. All this stuff was her protection. It was something she could control. That?s when I came to the conclusion that clutter is the physical manifestation of your emotional baggage. It links up with mental and health issues.

Q: Do you psycho-analyze homes?

A: I can be in your home for 10 minutes and totally tell what is going on in your life. Friends hate having me over. I have to tell them I?m off the clock.


Fort Lauderdale Home Design & Remodeling Show

When: May 25-28; Friday from 4 p.m. to 9:30 p.m.; Saturday and Sunday from noon to 9:30 p.m. and Monday from noon to 7:30 p.m.

Where: Broward County Convention Center, 1950 Eisenhower Blvd., Fort Lauderdale

Cost: $10 for Adults, $1 for children under the age of 11 (for coupons go to HomeShowSpecials.com)

Contact: 305-667-9299 or Home-Shows.com

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