Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Achievement Unlocked! Sidequest Pokes Fun At RPG Gaming Tropes

Biggs is the East Cost Editor of TechCrunch. Biggs has written for the New York Times, InSync, USA Weekend, Popular Mechanics, Popular Science, Money and a number of other outlets on technology and wristwatches. He is the former editor-in-chief of and lives in Bay Ridge, Brooklyn. You can Tweet him here and G+ him here. Email him directly at... ? Learn More

In honor of today?s arguably lackluster Nintendo presser, I present Sidequest, a game that asks you to do all sorts of side quests. Over and over again. Ad infinitum.

Sure it?s not as fun as going into a sewer to collect fifty stoat tails, but the slow and steady gameplay will be more than familiar to anyone who has ground through twenty levels of a western RPG.

You can play it here but don?t expect to get very far without the glimmering Elven Armor Of Super Wielding.

via boingboing

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